Las Vegas -
Las Vegas
2-6 , 30-75 ,
Rüdiger Dorn
Harald Lieske
Mia Steingräber
Ravensburger Spieleverlag
Frank (fabo12)
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.

Show → summary only → detailed version only → both summary and detailed version

Las Vegas
Game Idea

Players play as gamblers trying their luck in Las Vegas

Round after round, they place their dice onto the casinos in order to have the most lying there

The player with the most money is the winner

The players play as risk-taking gamblers trying their luck in the glitzy world of Las Vegas.

Six casinos can be visited, each of them showing a different number and each with a different amount of money available to be won overall. Round after round the same questions are asked: Where should I place most of my dice in order to gain a majority there? Where will my opponents be placing their dice? And where can I maybe grab a tidy sum from a competitor and roll it into my own pockets?

But be careful, that kind of battle over the biggest bucks has gone bad more than once – leaving someone else laughing at the end!

The winner is the player with the most money after four rounds.

Game Components
dice (8 in each player colour)
casinos (with die values 1-6)
banknotes (5 each of $60,000, $70,000, $80,000 and $90,000; 6 each of $10,000, $40,000 and $50,000; 8 each of $20,000 and $30,000)
start player card
Game Setup
  • Lay out casinos
  • Shuffle banknotes, then add min. $50,000 to each casino
  • Give each player 8 dice of one colour

Place the 6 casinos next to each other in the middle of the table in die value order (see figure).

Shuffle the 54 banknotes and place them in a face-down pile next to the casinos. Afterwards, place banknotes above the casinos. Keep adding banknotes to a casino until the total value is at least $50,000. Should multiple banknotes have been added to a casino, then arrange the notes such that all of their values are visible (see figure).

Give each player the 8 dice in the colour of his choice.

Give the oldest player the start player card.


On your turn, roll all of your dice – and then add all dice of one number to the corresponding casino

The game is played out over four rounds, each of which is made up of each player getting around four or five dice rolling turns.

The oldest player begins (start player card), after which play continues in clockwise direction.

On your turn, roll all of the dice you have left (all 8 to start the round, fewer and fewer as the round goes on). Then, you must choose exactly one of the numbers rolled and add all of those dice to the matching-numbered casino. It doesn’t matter if you or another player has already added dice to the casino or not.

It is then the next player’s turn to roll and place, etc. until all players have placed all of their dice.

Example: Benno rolls (midway through a round) four 3s and a 5. He chooses the four 3s and adds all of them to the „Mirage“ casino (he could not have chosen to add only one, two or three of the 3s!).

On his next turn, Benno will simply roll and then add his last die to the appropriate casino.

Players who have run out of dice pass on their turns

If you are out of dice, then you pass for the rest of the round. (So it is possible that only one player has any dice left and thus gets to take multiple turns in a row toward the end of a round.)


Players with equal numbers of dice in a casino get nothing!

Once the last player has added his final dice to a casino, then the casinos pay out:

First, check each casino to see if two or more players have the same number of dice there. Wherever this is the case, each of the affected players return all of their affected dice back to their supplies.

Example 1: Anna added 5 dice to the “Caesars Palace“ casino; Benno and Carla added 3 each and Denny added 1. Benno and Carla both take their 3 dice back.

Example 2: Anna and Carla both added 2 dice to the “Golden Nugget“ casino while Benno and Denny each added 1: All players take their dice back.

The player with the most dice receives the highest-value banknote, etc.

Afterward it is time to distribute the banknotes from the first casino. The player who added the most dice to the casino takes all of his dice back from this casino (returning them to his supply) and receives the highest-value banknote from it. Any remaining banknotes are distributed to the remaining players in order of descending number of dice. Should there not be enough banknotes for everyone, then the remaining players miss out. They take their dice back and receive nothing.

Should there be any banknotes left on the casino after distribution, then take the leftover notes and place them, face down, beneath the pile.

Pay out the other five casinos in the same manner. Any money that players have won gets placed in front of them, face down.

Example 1: Anna receives the $80,000 note and Denny the $30,000 note. The $10,000 note is returned to the bottom of the pile.

Example 2: Benno receives one of the $40,000 notes. The other is returned to the bottom of the pile.

Example 3: Carla receives the $70,000 note and Benno the $20,000 note. Denny gets nothing.

The Next Round

Resupply each casino with at least $50,000 for the next round

Resupply the six casinos with banknotes so that they once again have at least $50,000 on them (see game setup).

Pass start player card to the left

The player to the left of the previous start player receives the start player card and starts the next round ...

Game End

The game is over after four rounds

The player with the most money is the winner

The game ends after four rounds and the players count their money. The player with the most is the winner. In the event of a tie, then the winner is the player with the most banknotes. If there is still a tie then there are multiple winners.


Neutral Dice

All previous rules are in effect with the following exceptions:

At the start of each round, players receive, in addition to the 8 dice in their colour, additional dice in a neutral, unused, colour (we recommend white):

  • with 2 players, each player receives 4 white dice (= 12 total)
  • with 3 to 6 players each player receives 2 white dice (= 10 total)
    (In a three player game, two additional white dice get rolled by the start player at the start of the round and placed accordingly.)

On your turn, you must roll your neutral dice along with those of your own colour and then place them just as you would your own.

Example: Carla rolls two 1s of her own colour as well as one white 1; she also rolls a 5 of her own and a neutral 6. She can now choose to place either all three 1s, her own 5, or the neutral 6.

At the end of a round, the neutral dice are scored as if they belonged to an additional (imaginary) player. Any money that this ‚player‘ wins gets added to the bottom of the pile.

Example 1: The $80,000 note goes to white (and is thus added to the bottom of the pile); Benno receives the $30,000 note.

Example 2: Carla receives the $70,000 note and white receives the $40,000 note (added to the bottom of the pile); Anna receives nothing. .

Minimum amount

This summary shows the minimum amount of money that must be placed beside each casino at the beginning of each round, based on the number of players in the game.

  • 2 players: 30,000$
  • 3 players: 40,000$
  • 4 players: 50,000$ (like basic game)
  • 5 players: 60,000$
  • 6 players: 70,000$


5 100.000$ banknotes are shuffled together with all the other banknote cards.


Biggies are bigger dice which are counted as two dice during scoring.

At the beginning of the game, each player replaces one regular die with the matching biggie (so each player still uses 8 dice).

The biggie is rolled and placed together with the regular dice, as written in the basic rules, but counts as two dice during scoring.


Violet dice are used as "kickers"; they "kick out" dice already on a casino back to a player’s supply.

At the beginning of the game, each player trades one regular die for one kicker (so each player still uses 8 dice).

All unused violet dice are returned to the game box.

Note: If there are fewer than 6 players, each player should trade two regular dice for two kickers.

The kicker is rolled and placed together with the regular dice according to the basic rules. When a kicker is placed on a casino, the player removes the kicker and any one* die immediately, places the kicker on the back of the summary card (where it is out of play for the rest of the round), and gives the die that has been "kicked back" to its original owner (who can use it again). Remember: kickers never stay on casinos!


  • * Could include your or your opponent’s…"
  • A player without any dice left who has one "kicked back" is in the game again. This player could also use an unplayed action card (see below) at this point.
  • When a kicker is used on an empty casino (or slot machine, see below), it has no effect. The kicker is immediately moved to the display card.

Rainbow Cards

At the beginning of the game, the rainbow cards are shuffled with all other banknotes. If a rainbow card is dealt to a casino during set-up, its value is calculated as $40,000.

After all dice have been placed, and before scoring starts, each rainbow card is placed in a discard pile and replaced with a new banknote from the top of the draw pile.

If a new rainbow card is turned up, it is also discarded and replaced with a new card.

Slot Machine

The slot machine is treated as a seventh casino, using the same rules as the other casinos, with the following three exceptions:

1. Dice placed on the slot machine can show any number, 1-6.

2. A player must place all dice of one number, but the number on the dice must be different than the numbers already on the slot machine.

Anna has placed 4’s on the slot machine. No one else may place 4’s there, including Anna!

At the end of a round, the slot machine is scored as follows: The player with the most dice has first choice of banknote, the player with the second most dice chooses second, and so on.

As with regular casinos, no player on the slot machine can win more than one banknote. Any banknotes that are not won are placed face down at the bottom of the draw pile.

3. If 2 or more players have tied for the most dice placed on the slot machine, the winner is the player whose dice have the highest sum. If the players’ dice have the same sum, the player with the higher numbered die wins first choice.

Example: Denny places three dice with the number 3 on the slot machine. No player may place any more 3’s on the slot machine during this round (including Denny!). Ben places two 6’s, and Carla places two 4’s. In a later turn Carla Carla adds one single 1.

When scoring, Carla has first choice, since her three dice shows the same sum as the three dice of Denny (9), but Carla has placed the higher numbered die (4). Denny chooses a banknote second, then finally Ben ...

In the last turn of a round, when only one die is left or all remaining dice show the same number, the player doesn't have to make a decision. To speed up gameplay, this turn is performed automatically on yucata. The result is at any time visible in the game log.
Rule Clarifications
In the combination of certain expansions some rules questions remain open. On yucata the following applies:
  • When a kicker kicks a neutral die the neutral die is taken out of the game for this round.
  • Neutral dice on the slot machine can cause a draw situation despite all the tie breaker rules applicable there. In this case all concerned dice still cancel out each other before scoring.
  • When a kicker is placed on the slot machine he must not kick one of the already existing dice, but must kick one of the dice possibly put there in the same turn.
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